Seed Money

Seed Money Granted

3.1.2 The Institution provides seed money to its teachers for research The amount of seed money provided by the Institution to its teachers for research during the year(INR in lakhs)


Name of the teacher provided with the seed money Amount of seed money Month and Year of Receiving Link to the policy document for sanction of seed money/grants for research from the institution and link to the sanction letter

Mrs.P.L.Savithree Assistant Professor of Commerce

2000 31.03.2021 /templateEditor/kcfinder/upload/files/P.L.Savithree%281%29.jpeg

Mrs.S.Dhivya    Assistant Professor of BBA

2000 31.03.2021 /templateEditor/kcfinder/upload/files/S.Dhivya%281%29.jpeg

Mrs.R.Lakshmi   Assistant Professor of Information Technology

2000 31.03.2021 /templateEditor/kcfinder/upload/files/S.Lakshmi%281%29.jpeg

Mrs.R.Kayalvizhi  Assistant Professor of Physics

2000 31.03.2021 /templateEditor/kcfinder/upload/files/R.Kayalvizhi.jpeg

Mrs.K.Gowsalya   Assistant Professor of Physics

2000 31.03.2021 /templateEditor/kcfinder/upload/files/K.Gowsalya%281%29.jpeg


Name of the teacher provided with the seed money Amount of seed money Month and Year of Receiving Link to the policy document for sanction of seed money/grants for research from the institution and link to the sanction letter

Dr.R.Latha   Assistant Professor of History

2000 05.01.2022 /templateEditor/kcfinder/upload/files/Dr.R.Latha.pdf

Mrs.R.S.Rajalakshmi   Assistant Professor of Zoology

2000 05.01.2022 /templateEditor/kcfinder/upload/files/Mrs.R.S.Rajlakshmi.pdf

Dr.K.Saranya   Assistant Professor of Mathematics

2000 05.01.2022 /templateEditor/kcfinder/upload/files/Dr.K.Saranya.pdf

Mrs.R.Kayalvizhi   Assistant Professor of Physics

2000 05.01.2022 /templateEditor/kcfinder/upload/files/Mrs.R.Kayalvizhi.pdf

Dr.S.Manimekalai.   Assistant Professor of Chemistry

2000 05.01.2022 /templateEditor/kcfinder/upload/files/Dr.S.Manimegalai.pdf



Name of the teacher provided with the seed money Amount of seed money Month and Year of Receiving Link to the policy document for sanction of seed money/grants for research from the institution and link to the sanction letter

Dr.(Mrs.)V.Vijaya Assistant Professor of Botany

5000 04.10.2023 /templateEditor/kcfinder/upload/files/V.VIJAYA.jpeg
Dr.(Mrs.)P.Vidhya Assistant Professor of Mathematics 5000 04.10.2023 /templateEditor/kcfinder/upload/files/P.VIDHYA.jpeg
Dr.(Mrs.)M.Neelavathy Assistant Professor of Commerce 5000 04.10.2023 /templateEditor/kcfinder/upload/files/M.NEELAVATHY.jpeg
Dr.(Mrs.)S.Sharmila Assistant Professor of Zoology 5000 04.10.2023 /templateEditor/kcfinder/upload/files/S.SHARMILA.jpeg